Ramda Chops: Function Currying


SummaryHow function currying works under the hood.

Thanks to Jillian Silver and @evilsoft for their review of this post.

Functional Programming concepts have been pouring into the JavaScript community for a number of years now, and many of us struggle to keep up. I’ve been lucky enough to be able to work with some mentors and functional tools that have helped me along the way. One of these tools is ramda.js, and it was my gateway to the larger Functional Programming world. I hope it will be for you, as well.

To understand ramda, you first have to understand a concept known as “currying.” The ramda website states,

The parameters to Ramda functions are arranged to make it convenient for currying.

There are some function currying articles on the ramda site, such as Favoring Curry and Why Curry Helps by Scott Sauyet, which are great for explaining the benefits and power of currying. Those articles (and many other resources) do great jobs of explaining how to use currying and why, so I’ll briefly touch on those points, but I really want to focus on how it works under the hood and how this funny little concept will completely change the way that you program.

Other ramda posts:

Rudimentary Currying

Many articles already cover this, so I’ll keep it short.

Let’s start with a function that takes two numbers and adds them together:

// add :: (Number, Number) -> Number
const add = (a, b) =>
  a + b

As our fake type signature describes, add takes two arguments (essentially, a tuple) that are both of type Number and returns a value of type Number.

But if we wanted to create a function that adds 10 to anything, we could write the following:

// add :: Number -> Number -> Number
const add = a => b =>
  a + b

// which is the same as

function add(a) {
  return function(b) {
    return a + b

// and then

// add10 :: Number -> Number
const add10 = add(10)

add10 // => Function
add10(4) // => 14

Note the change in type signature: we now have singular arguments that are accepted at a time instead of the tuple style. When we provide the first argument, we are then returned a function that will sit and wait until all the functions are applied before giving us a value. This method can be useful in many situations, but consider the following:


That feels awkward, right? Fear not! There is a way.

The curry Function

Ramda provides us a function named curry that will take what might be considered a “normal” JavaScript function definition with multiple parameters and turn it into a function that will keep returning a function until all of its parameters have been supplied. Check it out!

import curry from 'ramda/src/curry'

const oldAdd = (a, b) =>
  a + b

const add = curry(oldAdd)

add(10) // => Function
add(10)(4) // => 14
add(10, 4) // => 14

Or if you want to have curry baked in to your original add function:

// add :: Number -> Number -> Number
const add = curry((a, b) ->
  a + b

The magical curry function doesn’t care when you provide arguments or how you do so – it will just keep returning you partially applied functions until all arguments have been applied, at which point it will give you back a value.

Cool… Now How Does curry Work?

This might seem blasphemous, but to understand how curry works under the hood, we’re going to dive into a different library’s implementation of it: crocks by @evilsoft. (Crocks is similar to ramda but dives more into abstract data types (ADTs) and is more towards the deeper end of the Functional Programming pool.) I think crocks’ implementation is excellent, and 99% of it being in one file makes for a great teaching tool.

If you want to jump ahead, here is a link to crocks’ curry function:

Where do we start with understanding this next-level JavaScript? Always start with the types, as they can tell a story.

Reading curry’s Story

What does this tell us?

// curry :: ((a, b, c) -> d) -> a -> b -> c -> d
  1. ((a, b, c) -> d) tells us that it accepts a function that has n parameters of any type and returns a value of any type
  2. -> a -> b -> c tells us that it then accepts each parameter – but only 1 at a time!
  3. -> d tells us that it ultimately returns the value as specified in the function

Sounds simple, right? Easier said than done!

What we need to do

  1. we need to first accept a function (the one to be curried)
  2. we need to then accept any number of arguments (variadic behavior)
  3. when this happens, we need to either

Breaking Down Curry

// curry :: ((a, b, c) -> d) -> a -> b -> c -> d
// 1. we accept a function
const curry = (fn) => {
  // 2. we return a function taking any `n` arguments
  return (...xs) => {
    // make sure we have a populated list to work with;
    // `undefined` is the value for the Unit type in
    // crocks and calling our function must utilize some
    // sort of value.
    const args =
      xs.length ? xs : [ undefined ]

    // if the number of args sent are
    // less than that required, then
    // don't do more work; go ahead and
    // return a new version of our function
    // that is still waiting for more
    // arguments to be applied.
    if (args.length < fn.length) {
      // way of safely creating a new function
      // and binding arguments to it without
      // calling it.
      return curry(Function.bind.apply(fn, [ null ].concat(args)))

    // if we've provided all arguments,
    // then let's apply them and give
    // back the result.
    // otherwise, let's do some work
    // and see if, based on the number
    // of arguments, we return a new
    // function with fewer arguments
    // or go ahead and call the function
    // with the final argument so we can
    // get back a value.
    // NOTE: `applyCurry` is defined below.
    const val =
      args.length === fn.length
        ? fn.apply(null, args)
        : args.reduce(applyCurry, fn)

    // 3. if our value is still a function, then
    // let's return the curried version of our
    // function that still needs some arguments
    // to be applied and repeat everything above.
    // otherwise, we're all done here, so
    // let's return the value.
    return isFunction(val)
      ? curry(val)
      : val

const applyCurry = (fn, arg) => {
  // return whatever we received if
  // fn is actually NOT a function.
  if (!isFunction(fn)) { return fn }

  // if we have more than 1 argument
  // remaining to be applied, then let's
  // bind a value to the next argument and
  // keep going.
  // otherwise, then yay let's go ahead
  // and call that function with the argument;
  // our `[ undefined ]` default saves us from
  // some potential headache here.
  return fn.length > 1
    ? fn.bind(null, arg)
    :, arg)

const isFunction = x =>
  typeof x === 'function'

With all of these checks in here, we can now run the following code and have it all work:

const add = curry((a, b) => a + b)

add // => Function
add(1) // => Function
add(1)(2) // => 3
add(1, 2) // => 3
add(1, 2, 99) // => 3 (we don't care about the last one!)
add(1, 2, 99, 2000) // => 3 (we don't care about the last two!)

curry In Action

If all of your functions are curried, you can start writing code that you never would have been able to before. Here is a small taste that we will cover more fully in a future Ramda Chops:

// addOrRemove :: a -> Array -> Array
const addOrRemove = x =>

// addOrRemoveTest :: Array -> Array
const addOrRemoveTest =

addOrRemoveTest([ 'thing' ]) // => ["thing", "test"]
addOrRemoveTest([ 'thing', 'test' ]) // => ["thing"]

(View this example in a live REPL)

The addOrRemove function almost reads like English: “If something contains x, give me back that something without x; otherwise, append x to that something.” What is worth understanding here is that these functions each accept a number of arguments where the most generic/reusable are provided first (this is a tenet of Functional Programming). Here, we are able to create a very reusable function with partially applied values that sits and waits until the final bit – an array – is provided.

Thanks for reading! Until next time,